Blurring the lines of reality and fantasy

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Italian photographer Roberto Kusterle has made a name for himself with his stunning monochrome portraits that blur the lines between the human, animal, and vegetable worlds. His photographs force us to reflect on our identity and our ability to transform it. But how did this artist get started on his journey and what is his process for creating these captivating works of art?

Roberto began his artistic journey in painting and installations before transitioning to photography. He explains that the transition was a natural one for him, as photography allowed him to capture the essence of his paintings and installations in a single frame. He also found that photography was a more accessible medium for audiences to connect with.

The production of each of Roberto's works is an elaborate process. He becomes a director, a sculptor, a designer, a make-up artist and last, but not least, a photographer dedicated to achieving perfection. He works closely with his models, often spending weeks or even months preparing them for the shoot. He explains that this preparation is essential to achieving the final image he has in mind.

One of the most striking aspects of Roberto's photographs is the way they blur the lines between reality and fantasy. He achieves this by using a combination of lighting, makeup, and post-processing techniques. He explains that the goal is to create a surreal and dreamlike atmosphere that is both captivating and thought-provoking.

Roberto's photographs have been exhibited in galleries and museums around the world and have received critical acclaim. They have also been featured in various publications and have won multiple awards.

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Photographize granted permission to feature photos by Roberto Kusterle


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